/home/akpphelp/shop.akpphelp.ru/modules/catalog.php [180]:
1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN goods_rates gr ON (gr.goods_id=g.id), types tp WHERE g.nam...' at line 18
SELECT g.*, CONCAT(tp.prefix,g.id) code, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tr.name_seo,'\t',tr.name ORDER BY tr.name SEPARATOR '\n'),'\tВсе') transmissions, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tol.name ORDER BY tol.name SEPARATOR ', ') tolerance, COUNT(gr.id) rates, b.name brand, tp.name type, tp.name_plural type_plural, tp.name_seo type_seo FROM goods g LEFT JOIN goods_transmissions gtr ON (gtr.goods_id=g.id) LEFT JOIN transmissions tr ON (tr.id=gtr.transmission_id) LEFT JOIN goods_tolerances gto ON (gto.goods_id=g.id) LEFT JOIN brands b ON (b.id=g.brand_id) LEFT JOIN tolerances tol ON (tol.id=gto.tolerance_id), LEFT JOIN goods_rates gr ON (gr.goods_id=g.id), types tp WHERE g.name_seo='planetarnyy_mekhanizm_akpp_a500a518_seplenie_overdrive_naklon_zuba_15' AND !g.hidden AND tp.id=g.type_id GROUP BY g.id